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              Welcome to the official website of Yueyang Shenwei Electromagnetic Equipment Co., Ltd. Hotline: +86-730-8156688




              Company profile

              Current location:home>About Us > Company profile

              Yueyang Shenwei Lifting Device Electromagnetic Equipment Co., Ltd was founded by the elites of scientific research, management and making in the field of electromagnet. Our company is located alongside the bank of beautiful and fertile Dongting Lake, leaning against the ancient famous Yueyang Tower. Our company enjoy superior geographical position, convenient transportation and developed physical distribution, so she is like headresting Yangtzi River and footing the big barn Yueyang, a city which is rich in fish and rice.
                Our company’s workshop is bright, equipment excellent, and the technical force is abundant. We are one of the strongest manufacturers who mainly develop and manufacture Lifting magnet, Separator, Cable drum, Rectification conrtolunit, Control equipment of magnetism protection when power-off, Electromagnet stirrer, etc.
                “Shenwei Electromagnetic” is one of the large enterprise of the electromagnetic products in China. Our products have covered almost all large-scale domestic iron and steel enterprise, shipyards, coal mines, harbors, wharfs, mechanical factories, forging factories and have been exported to Southeast Asian and other parts of the world, where they enjoy the high reputation.
                “Shenwei Electromagnetic” has an excellent administration troop who always think in advance; she has a batch of scientific research members who have enjoyed high reputation in the profession; she has a high-level production group who have engaged in dozens years of manufacturing experience; she also has a strong marketing troop who can bear hardship to serve the customers perfectly. Our company breeds the immortal enterprise culture of regarding people foremost throughout. “Shenwei Electromagnetic” has hit the present market approval and satisfied the users and won precious brand among the collasgues after our Shenwei Personnel’s remarkable unremitting struggle.
                Our company insisted the concept of “strives for the development by innovation, strives for high quality for survival”; Our company took the enterprise culture of “joy after sorrow, seek with unity”; Our company set up the policy of “customer fist, cooperation and co-prosperity”. In the coming future, our company will continue to combing science and technology, quality and benefit to exp ore, aiming to cause our company to grow quickly and strong.
                Home and abroad, new and old, who are welcome to our company to instruct, to cooperate and create our glorious future.
                Yueyang Shenwei Electromagnetic Equipment Co.,Ltd was founded by the elites of scientific research,managementand makeing inthe field of eletromagnet.Our compang is located alongside the bank of beautiful and fertiled Dongtinglake,leaning against the ancient famous Yueyang Tower.Our compang enjoys superior geographical position,convenient transportation and developed physical distribution,so she is like headresting Yangtze River and footingthe big barn Yueyang,a city which is rich in fish and riceOur company's workshop is bright,equipment excellent,and the technical force is abundant.We are one of thestrongest manufacturers who mainly develop and manufacture Lifting magnet,Separator,Cable drum,Rectificationconrtolunit,Control equipment of magnetism protection when power-off ,Electromagnet stirrer,ect.
                ”shenwei Electromagnet"is one ofthe large enterpries of electromagnnetic products in Chi¨na.Our products havecovered almost all large-scale domestic iron and steel enterprises,shipyards,coal mines,harbors,wharfs,mechanicalfactories,forging factories and have been exported to Southeast Asian and other parts of the world,where they enjoythe high reputation”shenwei Electromagnet" has an  excellent administration troop who always thi¨nk in advance;she hasa batch ofscientific research memebers who have enjoyed high reputation in the profession;whe has a high-level productiongroup who have engaged in dovens years ofmanufacturi¨ng experience;she also has a strong markting troop who canbear hardship to serve the customers perfectly.Our company breeds the immortal enterprise culture of regardingpeople foremost throughout."shenwei Electromagnet"has hit the present market approval and satsfied the users andwon precious brand among the colleagues after our Shenwei Personnel'sremarkable unremitting struggleOur company innsisted the concept of "strives for the development by innovation,strives for high quality forsurvival";our company took the enterprise culture of "joy after sorrow,seek with unity";Our company set up the policyof "customer first,cooperation and coprosperity" .In the comi¨ng future,our company will continue to combing scienceand technology,quality and benefit to explore,aiming to cause our company to grow quickly and stronglyHome and abroad,new and old,who are welcome to our company to instruct,to cooperate our glorious futrue



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